Velocity Dyad (AeroHeat) [349] Rim

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Rim Data
Manufacturer Velocity
Model Dyad (AeroHeat)
ISO Size ISO 349 (16x1-3/8)
ERD 326 mm
ERD source
Offset drilling
Rim Bias 0 mm (centered)
Outer width 23.8 mm
Inner width 18 mm
Overall height 22 mm
Brake wall height 9.5 mm
Tire Type clincher
Joint Type Sleeved
Eyelet type None
Weight 288 g
Rim ID 56
Record Status Public
Created Nov 1, 2009 8:06pm
rim profile and dimension rendering
1/4/17 -- Dims and weight updated to reflect US-made 14h sample. -Karl

In 2018, Velocity made a running change to begin referring to the Aeroheat, Taipan, etc. as the Dyad, since they share the same extrusion. -Karl