Campagnolo mid 2000s 10spd OS (Centaur?) 130mm Rear hub

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Hub Data
Manufacturer Campagnolo
Model mid 2000s 10spd OS (Centaur?)
Position Rear
Axle Type 10mm
OLN 130 mm
Spoke Interface Type J-Bend
Brake Compatibility rim brake
Drive Interface n/a (front)
Internal Gearing none
Dynamo Type none
Spoke Hole Diameter 2.6 mm
Left Flange Diameter 44 mm
Right Flange Diameter 46 mm
Left Flange Offset 36.5 mm
Right Flange Offset 17 mm
Mid-Flange Offset -9.8 mm (to the left)
Weight 0 g
Hub ID 338
Record Status Public
Created Aug 1, 2017 9:45am
hub dimension diagram
8/1/17 -- Rebuild for B Rose... Polished silver hub shell, aluminum freehub body, uses the OS bearing system. No markings except "Campagnolo" on the black plastic left side bearing adjuster pinch nut. No oil hole/cover in shell; Perhaps Centaur? 36mm freehub body shoulder width; appears to be 10spd. -Karl