Manufacturer |
If the manufacturer you need is not in the list, create it as a new manufacturer in the database, then return here. |
Model Name |
What is this part called? Don't include wheel size ("29er", etc) unless it is part of the name used by the manufacturer. |
ISO Size |
ETRTO bead seat diameter |
mm |
To improve consistency across many rims, there are some strict measurement standards for ERD values contributed to the FreeSpoke database. |
ERD source |
Please briefly explain where your ERD value came from. (for example: "measured on new 32h specimen using FreeSpoke method" or "manufacturer's published value; unverified" etc. |
Live preview: |
(uses javascript to update rendered hub shell as values are changed) |
Left offset drilling |
mm |
The distance that the center of the nipple holes are offset away from the centerline of the rim. Positive values mean that the left holes are further left and the right holes are further right, respectively. Negative values mean the opposite. Note that a rim with all holes offset to one side will have one negative and one positive value (which is which doesn't really matter). Many rims have a negligible amount of stagger drilling and can be treated as zero offset unless the ends of the spokes are moved off the centerline more than a millimeter or two. |
Right offset drilling |
mm |
Outer width |
mm |
The widest outside width of the rim profile. This is typically at the brake walls or bead hooks, but not always. |
Inner width |
mm |
The narrowest inside width between the bead hooks. |
Overall height |
mm |
The overall tallest height of the rim profile. (Do not include the additional height added by eyelets, etc.) |
Brake wall height |
mm |
The usable height of a flat rim brake track. (enter zero for disc-only rim) |
Tire Type |
Default of clincher implies that a rim is not intended for tubeless use. Don't forget to set tubeless-ready rims as "tubeless". |
Joint Type |
Looking into the holes adjacent to the seam with a flashlight is often the best way to confirm. Enter carbon rims as "seamless". Feel free to use "unknown" if you don't have a reliable way to determine the joint type. |
Eyelet Type |
Weight |
g |
Ideally measured on a bare rim without packaging, rim tape, valve stem, etc.Weight will vary with drilling; feel free to describe the sample weighed in the notes if you are in a position to do so. |
Optional link to product information (please begin with http:// or https://) |
Notes |
QBP attributes (leave blank unless you know what this is for) Paste text block to parse: - ERD - left/right offset drilling - inner/outer width - overall height - weight |
Email address |
This allows me to contact you about clarifications, etc. (will not be published) |
Credit contribution to |
Your name or handle that will be visible on the part detail page as a credit. |
Note to moderator |
If there is any info you'd like me to see while I am reviewing submissions, put it here! :-) (will not be published) |